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Boxe Aurum  Vulkan VIII
Descriere produsComentarii (1) Boxe podea de inalta fidelitate. Aurum VULKAN VIII-R, derivand din denumirea vulcanilor, pentru prezenta si magnitudinea de care aceste incinte acustice sunt cababile, debordand energie si putere. Dar spre deosebire de vulcani, care pot fi inpredictibili, VULKAN VIII-R are un caracter mai rafinat... dand dovada de maniere impecabile si controlate, redand cele mai fine detalii, finete si emotie la volume mici, cat si conduse de puteri mari.  Precum modelul TITAN, VULKAN VIII R detine o camera de presiune/reflex pentru conturarea basilor adanci, clari si percutanti. Difuoarele de bas perfect integrate in acest fel, lucreaa cu putere si precizie datorita membranelor puternice ALTIMA®.  Noul tweeter ribbon — identic cu cel din modelul Titan — are o viteza si spatialitate incredibila. Crossoverul cu componente atent selectate si cablajul intern Real Cable® rotunjesc acest standard inalt al boxelor VULKAN VIII R.  Ca boxe stereo sau ca boxe frontale in sistem surround, se descurca fara a mai fi nevoie de un subwoofer.  Specificatii: Constructie: 3-way Bass: pressure chamber/bass Putere Nominal/musicala (W): 250/400 W Frecventa (Hz): 20...65.000 Hz Crossover (Hz): 310/2.900 Hz Sensibilitate (dB/1W/1m): 90 dB Impedanta (Ohm): 4...8 Tweeter: Aluminium ribbon Midrange: 170 mm Ø ALTIMA® Woofer: 2x210 mm Ø ALTIMA® Dimensiuni (H x B x T) in cm: 122 x 28 x 50 cm Scrie o recenzie Boxe Aurum Vulkan VIII Nota (5.0) bazata pe 1 aprecieri ( Scrie o recenzie aurel la 27-05-2014 (15:36) faineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, , merita sa le ai
Pantofi Pablosky
Pantofi din piele marca Pablosky, culoare pink, inchidere cu scai
Talpici (taloneti) Birkenstock
Talpici - taloneti - marca Birkenstock, se introduc in interiorul pantofului si ajuta piciorul copilului sa se dezvolte sanatos.
Pick-up Nad C556
Pick-up Nad C556 Many of the world's most ardent music lovers believe that the 33 1/3 RPM Long Playing vinyl record remains the most musically communicative playback medium. NAD has a long history of producing some of the best value-for-money turntables and phono stages. The PP 2i is a legendary budget phono preamp, while the PP 3i takes the superb performance of the PP 2i and adds a simple way to convert your LPs into CDs using your computer and the internet to automate the 'CD mastering' process. While vinyl LPs can be a reference quality source of musical enjoyment, they can also sound terrible if the turntable is less than reference quality. Unlike digital sources with their foolproof error correction circuits, the turntable is like a live performance with no room for error. The same piece of vinyl can sound lush, vibrant and spacious on one turntable, but edgy, lifeless and riddled with ticks and pops on another. The difference is the mechanical precision of every aspect of the turntable. >Why Does It Sound So Good? When it comes to the C 556, NAD has spent lavishly on the parts of the turntable that define its performance, and has left off the features that do nothing to improve the sound. The result is a turntable that easily outperforms others at twice the modest asking price of the C 556. The secret to a good sounding turntable is to make a rock solid mechanical connection between the platter and the pickup stylus. Any play or vibration will either add resonant colouration (making the smack of a snare drum sound like a thud) or subtract the fine detail that is the primary benefit of well-played vinyl. To achieve this goal we use special materials and techniques. The three mechanisms that make up a turntable are the platter that supports and spins the record; the tone arm, which allows the stylus to accurately track the record; and the cartridge, which transforms the vibrations in the record groove into the electrical signals that are sent to your preamplifier. The platter of the C 556 uses a special
incaltaminte, Pablosky - incaltamintesss
incaltaminte, oferte si promotii la incaltamintesss, calitate garantata la preturi accesibile Pablosky
Pantofi Pablosky
Pantofi din piele naturala marca Pablosky, foarte confortabili, culoarea maro, inchidere cu scai
Pantofi Gioseppo
Pantofi din piele(int, ext) marca Giuseppo, culoare neagra (acelasi model si pe culoarea bleumarin), inchidere cu scai
Pantofi Pablosky
Pantofi din piele marca Pablosky, culoarea gri , inchidere cu scai
Sistem 2.1 Harman Kardon BDS 380
Sistem 2.1 Harman Kardon BDS 380 Sistem Home Cinema 2.1 Two 65-watt-per-channel power amplifiers The BDS 380's two amplifiers, rated at 65 watts per channel, power the left and right loudspeakers, which feature dual, voice-matched midrange drivers and dome tweeters for consistent sound. This amplifier-speaker combination dramatically improves the clarity and realism of directional sounds, even at high listening levels. Space-saving, 200-watt powered subwoofer Unlike conventional, front-firing subwoofers, the BDS 380's 200-watt, 8-inch (200-millimeter) powered sub fires downward, interacting with the floor for enhanced bass response. Volume, phase and bass-boost controls make it easy to synchronize bass output with the satellites and then fine-tune the system's performance to match your room acoustics and personal preferences. Fully integrated home theater audio system The BDS 380 system is an all-in-one entertainment solution featuring two matching loudspeakers and a downward-firing, 200-watt powered subwoofer. It contains everything you need for great video and surround sound from virtually any movie or music source, combining the performance of separate components with the ease of use of a single, fully integrated home theater audio system. Apple AirPlay, Bluetooth® and DLNA 1.5 technology The BDS 380 streams audio from virtually any portable device. For computers with iTunes, Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod touch devices – stream your entertainment using the system's built-in AirPlay technology. BDS 380's integrated Bluetooth® technology with HARMAN TrueStream and MultiConnect enables connectivity to almost any tablet, smartphone or laptop. With MultiConnect, there's no need to disconnect one device between streaming from a second. A front-facing USB port invites you to connect devices directly without the need of an external adapter or a wireless connection. The BDS 380 is also compliant with DLNA 1.5 for music, photos and video, providing multiple options for delivering content over your home network. NFC
Boxe Quadral Chromium Style 10 Base
Descriere produsComentarii (0) Boxe Quadral Chromium Style 10 Base Boxe centru de inalta fidelitate.  Seria Chromium Style - Un nivel de lux al auditiei in casa dvs. atat din punct de vedere estetic cat si audiofil. Forme estetice in pas cu experienta unica a imaginii sonore HiFi sau Home Cinema. Succesul acestei game Chromium Style consta in experienta propriuzisa a sunetului stereo sau surround, pornind de la tonalitatea autentica si naturala a frecventelor inalte si medii, folosirea tweeterelor ribon, pana la membranele rapide ale difuzoarelor de bass care produc o frecventa joasa extrem de rapida si controlata. Si nu in ultimul rand, linia moderna slim, impreuna cu finisajul deosebit. Muzica si efectele sonore / vocea, sunt redate fluent si fara impresia de artificial a majoritatii boxelor, astfel incat veti asculta muzica si nu difuzoare, veti putea sa va bucurati de cele mai fine detalii si de naturaletea vocii umane. Sistemele dvs HiFi vor folosi Chromium cu o naturalete si transparenta exceptionala, iar formatele digitale precum Dolby, DTS etc vor benficia de maximum de potential. Pana si subtilitatile noilor formate audio DVD-A si SACD, Blu-Ray, vor fi redate cu maximum de calitate de Chromium. CHROMIUM - capodopera a doua lumi: sunet si imagine. Finisaj: Negru High Gloss, Alb High Gloss Type: 3-way Design principle: closed Nominal/music power (W): 110/160 W Frequency response (Hz): 49...65.000 Hz Crossover frequency (Hz): 500/2600 Hz Efficiency (dB/1W/1m): 88 dB Impedance (Ohm): 4...8 Tweeter: ribbon Midrange: 135 mm Ø Titanium-PP Woofer: 135 mm Ø Titanium-PP Cabinet size (h*w*d): 166 x 550 x 232 mm Weight: 7,7 kg Scrie o recenzie Boxe Quadral Chromium Style 10 Base Nota (0.0) bazata pe 0 aprecieri ( Scrie o recenzie
Pantofi Pablosky
Pantofi din piele naturala marca Pablosky, culoare a neagra, inchidere cu scai
Pantofi Birkenstock
  Pantofi din piele marca Birkenstock, culoarea maro +bej, foarte confortabili
Blu ray Player Marantz UD7007
Blu ray Player Marantz UD7007 UD7007 nu este doar un player Blu-ray și DVD player ci si DLNA 1.5-certificate, ce oferă acces la filme Netflix la cerere ,și servicii de Vizionare confortabilă YouTube on-line. Bucurați-vă de o calitate fabuloasă Blu-ray video și audio, inclusiv FLAC și f DivX Plus HD din rețeaua de acasă sau de Internet.UD7007 vă poate oferi această universalitate, deoarece nu este doar un player Blu-ray și DVD player ci si DLNA 1.5-certificate, ce oferă acces la filme Netflix la cerere ,și servicii de Vizionare confortabilă YouTube on-line. Pentru a asigura cea mai bună calitate audio stereo analogic de pe CD și SACD, include module Marantz audio HDAM și utilizează componente special personalizate, toate pe o placa audio dedicata.Cabinetul este, de asemenea, foarte rigid și o placă de fund suplimentar adaugă forță suplimentară pentru a elimina vibrații. De asemenea, electronice sunt împărțite în cinci secțiuni separate pentru a minimiza interferențele . În plus, cele două porturi HDMI 3D de ieșire optimizeaza flexibilitate în configurarea si un fine-tuning de performanță.Ca orice Marantz are butonul de "Pure Direct" pentru a asigura cea mai bună performanță posibilă de la CD-uri și chiar SuperAudioCD.
Pantofi Pablosky
Pantofi din piele naturala lacuita marca Pablosky, culoarea visinie, foarte confortabili
Pantofi Birkenstock
  Pantofi- balerini din piele marca Birkenstock, culoarea neagra lucioasa, foarte confortabili