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Pick-up Nad C556
Pick-up Nad C556 Many of the world's most ardent music lovers believe that the 33 1/3 RPM Long Playing vinyl record remains the most musically communicative playback medium. NAD has a long history of producing some of the best value-for-money turntables and phono stages. The PP 2i is a legendary budget phono preamp, while the PP 3i takes the superb performance of the PP 2i and adds a simple way to convert your LPs into CDs using your computer and the internet to automate the 'CD mastering' process. While vinyl LPs can be a reference quality source of musical enjoyment, they can also sound terrible if the turntable is less than reference quality. Unlike digital sources with their foolproof error correction circuits, the turntable is like a live performance with no room for error. The same piece of vinyl can sound lush, vibrant and spacious on one turntable, but edgy, lifeless and riddled with ticks and pops on another. The difference is the mechanical precision of every aspect of the turntable. >Why Does It Sound So Good? When it comes to the C 556, NAD has spent lavishly on the parts of the turntable that define its performance, and has left off the features that do nothing to improve the sound. The result is a turntable that easily outperforms others at twice the modest asking price of the C 556. The secret to a good sounding turntable is to make a rock solid mechanical connection between the platter and the pickup stylus. Any play or vibration will either add resonant colouration (making the smack of a snare drum sound like a thud) or subtract the fine detail that is the primary benefit of well-played vinyl. To achieve this goal we use special materials and techniques. The three mechanisms that make up a turntable are the platter that supports and spins the record; the tone arm, which allows the stylus to accurately track the record; and the cartridge, which transforms the vibrations in the record groove into the electrical signals that are sent to your preamplifier. The platter of the C 556 uses a special
Boxe Quadral Chromium Style 10 Base
Descriere produsComentarii (0) Boxe Quadral Chromium Style 10 Base Boxe centru de inalta fidelitate.  Seria Chromium Style - Un nivel de lux al auditiei in casa dvs. atat din punct de vedere estetic cat si audiofil. Forme estetice in pas cu experienta unica a imaginii sonore HiFi sau Home Cinema. Succesul acestei game Chromium Style consta in experienta propriuzisa a sunetului stereo sau surround, pornind de la tonalitatea autentica si naturala a frecventelor inalte si medii, folosirea tweeterelor ribon, pana la membranele rapide ale difuzoarelor de bass care produc o frecventa joasa extrem de rapida si controlata. Si nu in ultimul rand, linia moderna slim, impreuna cu finisajul deosebit. Muzica si efectele sonore / vocea, sunt redate fluent si fara impresia de artificial a majoritatii boxelor, astfel incat veti asculta muzica si nu difuzoare, veti putea sa va bucurati de cele mai fine detalii si de naturaletea vocii umane. Sistemele dvs HiFi vor folosi Chromium cu o naturalete si transparenta exceptionala, iar formatele digitale precum Dolby, DTS etc vor benficia de maximum de potential. Pana si subtilitatile noilor formate audio DVD-A si SACD, Blu-Ray, vor fi redate cu maximum de calitate de Chromium. CHROMIUM - capodopera a doua lumi: sunet si imagine. Finisaj: Negru High Gloss, Alb High Gloss Type: 3-way Design principle: closed Nominal/music power (W): 110/160 W Frequency response (Hz): 49...65.000 Hz Crossover frequency (Hz): 500/2600 Hz Efficiency (dB/1W/1m): 88 dB Impedance (Ohm): 4...8 Tweeter: ribbon Midrange: 135 mm Ø Titanium-PP Woofer: 135 mm Ø Titanium-PP Cabinet size (h*w*d): 166 x 550 x 232 mm Weight: 7,7 kg Scrie o recenzie Boxe Quadral Chromium Style 10 Base Nota (0.0) bazata pe 0 aprecieri ( Scrie o recenzie
Husa pentru accesorii digitale Case Logic SLRA4, Negru/Gri
* Husa pentru accesorii digitale SLRA4; * Husa in care puteti sa stocati accesorii, baterii, carpa pentru obiectiv, filtre sau alte accesorii mici; * In cele patru buzunare separate care se inchid cu fermoar puteti sa stocati accesoriile dvs.; * Detine sistem de fixare pentru curea foto, geanta foto sau rucsac foto. 
Fuji Finepix JX550 HDR, Panorama - Vezi Oferte si Super Preturi la CamereDigitale.ro
 Lentile Fujinon cu zoom optic de 5x si 14MP  Cu un obiectiv de inalta calitate Fujinon cu zoom optic 5x, aparatul foto FujiFilm FinePix JX500 ofera o imagine perfecta pe intreg intervalul de zoom.   Senzorul cu o rezolutie de 14MP va ofera cele mai fine detalii ale subiectului tau, imaginle captate fiind clare, in culori vii, chiar si atunci cand sunt imprimate la dimensiuni mari.   Stabilizator de imagine digital  Acesta detecteaza automat subiectele neclare si creste instantaneu viteza de expunere pentru a asigura o imagine clara si calitativa.
Geanta Camera Video Case Logic DPP06, Negru
* Geanta universala pentru camera video DPP06;* Geanta care se portiveste cu cele mai importate camere video de pe piata;* Geanta cu mai multe compartimente de depozitare pentru accesorii, inclusiv un incarcator, cabluri, si chiar un aparat foto digital;* Separatorul interior flexibil ofera o potrivire personalizata pentru o varietate de echipamente;* Interiorul "No-scratch" din nylex ofera o protectie superioara pentru camera video;* Cureaua de umar detasabila si manerul moale consolidat va permite sa transportati camera video mai usor.